Sahabat Tiada Gantinya :)
07 May 2012 | 5:06 PM | 1 Words
assalamualaikum ♥tomorrow start mid-year examination. i'm getting nervous but still menghadap lappy sekarang ni. what happen to you Noor Hanisah binti Hashim? you should read your books and keep your lappy neatly under your bed. HAHA. this is me. i like to study at the last minute. 10minutes before the teacher come into the class and start to potpetpotpet. and that time i start to rush out and all my notebooks will be on my hands. that is ME ! :D
you know what, i am missing someone. someone who far far far away from me. who? boyfie? no no no. my boyfie is very close close close to me. HAHA. that person is .........................

*saja je tepek gambar ni besar-besar :D
who is she? she is INTAN NURLIYANA BINTI MANSOR. she is my bestfriend. i started to know her when we were in standard one. and our friendship still remain the same until now. before this, yaa, we are the most 'galak' friends in the world. but now, its not the same anymore. she is now in Segamat, Johor. and i am in Kota Tinggi, Johor. even in same "JOHOR", but for me, jauh giler bapak woahh! dah 4tahun lebih dia pindah and setahun sekali nak jumpa punn susah. hanya handphone and facebook sahaja penghubung kitorang sekarang. tu pun jarang sangat-sangat. I MISS HER. her face, her smile, and her "donkey laugh" ofcourse. ;)
nobody can take her place in my heart. i'm not a lesbian. dont get wrong. but she is the best friend i ever had. and hopefully persahabatan kami kekal sampai akhir hayat kami.
whatever it is, anis gembira ada POP4OURVARIASI and anis jugak gembira sebab ada INTAN. anis sayang korang semua. terimakasih sebab jadi kawan anis. tempat anis meluahkan segala-galanya. thanks so much. love you all !
enough with this sad feeling. errrhhh. entah apa-apa je anis ni kann. thanks lah kepada korang yang baca.
btw, doakan anis untuk mid-year exam ni. and sorry untuk salah silap anis kat korang. doakan yang terbaik tau. :)
ok bye. assalamualaikum. :)
p/s : untuk encik boyfie, terimakasihh sebab melayan kerenah saya semalam. tengah-tengah malam dengar luahan perasaan saya tentang kerinduan kat intan. hehe. thanks a lot. loveyou sayang. :) ♥